Pesto Eggs

Sunny side up eggs with gooey centers, fried in the aromatics of your homemade pesto and served on your favorite toasted bread. The perfect quick, easy and delicious way to start a day but also great as a savory snack.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cooking Time 5 mins





Make pesto

  1. Place all ingredients for pesto (except for olive oil) in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles a crumb. If you like to pesto chunkier, you can process it less.
  2. With the food processor running on low, drizzle in olive oil and process until just combined.

Make pesto eggs

  1. In a non-stick skillet, heat up 4 tbsp of pesto over medium-low heat. Once the oil from the pesto starts to sizzle, crack in two eggs. Cook until desired doneness.
  2. While the eggs are cooking, toast your bread.
  3. To serve, place each fried egg on top of each slice of toast. Top with salt, pepper and chili flakes. Enjoy!


  • You can use store bought pesto if you like, but homemade is always better!
  • I made pesto with celery leaves because I had some leftover celery leaves. You can also make pesto with fresh basil instead.
  • If you don't like almonds, you can substitute with pine nuts instead.
  • I used wholemeal bread but feel free to use a bread that suits your dietary needs (eg, gluten-free).
  • Upgrade your pesto eggs on toast with some smashed avocado and/or ricotta cheese!