Fancy Avocado Toasts

There's no better breakfast than avocado on toast - it's so quick, easy and healthy. Here are 4 delicious ways to upgrade your toast to a fancy breakfast worthy of the gram!
Prep Time 5 mins
Cooking Time 5 mins



Chili Egg Avocado on Toast

Vegan Cheezy Avocado on Toast

Veggie Delight Avocado on Toast

Flaming Smoked Turkey Avocado on Toast


Chili Egg Avocado on Toast

  1. Toast bread.
  2. Heat up chili oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook egg sunny-side-up.
  3. Scoop out avocado flesh and place on toast. Mash it lightly with a fork. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top to taste.
  4. Top with fried egg, chili flakes, and another light sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Vegan Cheezy Avocado on Toast

  1. Toast bread.
  2. Spread vegemite on toast.
  3. Remove skin from avocado and cut flesh into 0.2 inch slices and layer the slices on toast.
  4. Top with a squeeze of lemon juice, black and white sesame seeds, hemp seeds and nutritional yeast.

Veggie Delight Avocado on Toast

  1. Toast bread.
  2. Remove skin from avocado and cut into 0.5 inch cubes.
  3. Cut tomato into 0.5 inch cubes.
  4. Top toast with tomato, avocado and cheese. Sprinkle garlic powder, salt and pepper on top.

Flaming Smoked Turkey Avocado on Toast

  1. Toast bread.
  2. Remove skin from avocado and cut flesh into 0.2 inch slices and layer the slices on toast.
  3. Top with 1-2 slices of smoked turkey and truffle hot sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


  • Make sure you use ripe avocados for this. You can tell when avocado is ripe if it yields to a firm gentle squeeze in your hand. I recommend using the Hass variety.
  • I used thick slices of wholewheat sourdough bread but you can use whatever bread you like that suits your dietary needs. I recommend using something that is similarly hearty and crusty so it's sturdy enough to hold the toppings.
  • Feel free to get creative and play around with the toppings! Don't like chili oil? Try pesto instead. Use leg ham or smoked salmon in place of smoked turkey. No truffle hot sauce? Regular hot sauce or sriracha will be equally delicious.